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Need for Speed Underground 2 - Nintendo DS

Need for Speed Underground 2

Quick boost:
If you crash your car in a race and you a manual transmission, put in
neutral. Hit the gas all the way, then slam it into first gear to get a
very quick boost.

Easy wins:
The key to victory in any course or mode is to have a flawless race.
Avoid traffic, cut corners, and drive straight at every opportunity.
A tip is to check where you will be racing next and set up a custom
free-race to emulate the race course. Here you can check the feel of
the course and find valuable shortcuts.

Easy cars:
Do only the drag races until you complete it. You should now have at
least an RX-8. The rest of the game should be very easy.

Unlock Brakes Bonus:
Beat 7500 points in Pressure Tunning 2.

Unlock Chassis Bonus:
Beat 5000 points in Pressure Tunning 1.

Unlock Controls Bonus:
Beat 5000 points in Engine Tuning 3.

Unlock Drivetrain Bonus:
Beat 50 points in Dyno Run 1.

Unlock Engine Bonus:
Beat 100 points in Nitrous Tuning 1.

Unlock Exhaust Bonus:
Beat 2000 points in Engine Tuning 1.

Unlock Nitrous Bonus:
Beat 175 points in Nitrous Tuning 3.

Unlock Suspension Bonus:
Beat 100 points in Dyno Run 2.

Unlock Turbo Bonus:
Beat 150 points in Nitrous Tuning 2.

Unlock Wheels Bonus:
Beat 4000 points in Engine Tuning 2.

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